After my divorce a few years ago I found myself drained, depressed, and feeling super unhealthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. A friend told me about cord-cutting and when I did it it made me feel incredible. It felt like I unhooked the anchors that were dragging me down. I hope you will give it a try and feel incredible too.
What exactly is cord cutting? It is exactly what it sounds like, except they are not physically cords but cords made out of energy. These cords connect people and transfer emotional energy between them. Visualize an energetic cord as a tube connecting us to another person, with energy flowing within the tube. These cords are usually connected to our 7 main chakras and are either negative or positive cords and may pull energy from those spaces.
When we enter into a relationship with someone, whether it is with family, friend, intimate partner, colleague, or even an individual that we meet in passing, we develop energetic cords.  We are connected energetically with someone and help us to form a connection and understanding with one another.
 There are positive energy cords that connect individuals. These cords exist in relationships between lovers, parents, children, siblings, close friends, long-term co-workers, and anyone you have a deep and positive connection with. Positive energy may be connected to the heart space and energy maybe travel back and forth between the two individuals.
Positive and healthy cords are those of love and affection. They yield positive, inspiration, and uplift effects. If you walk away from an interaction with someone feeling happy and upbeat or supported, then you can be sure a healthy energetic cord was created.
Negative cords leave you feeling drained, emotionally exhausted, and depleted. They come from people such as ex-partners and lovers, family members, friends, people who are depressed or struggling, feeling lost or alone, or people who want to control you.
Oftentimes, even long after a relationship has ended, we maintain these energetic cords. They can be so subtle that we don’t even know that they’re there. But, an accumulation of cords from many people, will slowly deplete your energy over time, 
 As we move through our lives — growing, learning, evolving — we must necessarily let go of that which no longer serves us. When we let go, we create space for new relationships and help to recover energy that has been lost, and to re-establish healthy energetic new connections. We tend to hold onto much more than is healthy for us energetically, physically, and even spiritually.
Cutting energy cords helps us transition and get rid of the weight we are carrying from the past. It frees us and helps us to move forward. 
 Low energy levels
  • Feelings of depression, and sadness
  • Feelings of being ‘stuck’ or unable to make decisions
  • Obsessive thoughts about another person
  • Speaking often about another person, often in a judgmental or deprecating way
  • Lowered immune function, getting sick often
  • Unhealthy habits and addictive behaviors, such as smoking, binge eating, drinking, and drugs.
Now that we learned what energy cords are we can get into how we can cut cords?
There are many ways you can do this. Do what works for you. But make sure with your cord-cutting you are at home on your own with no distractions.
Start by cleansing yourself and your environment.
Take an Epson salt bath or add some essential oils to your baths such as lavender or any citrus scents or even cedar oil. You can even simply just take a shower and visualize the negative energy running off you. You can even have a nice earl grey tea in a quiet space. You can do this any way you want. It is your choice.
Next, smudge your home with sage. Open all your windows and doors, so the negative energy will drift out with the sage smoke. Or if you don’t have sage burn sage incense or diffuse sage oil in a diffuser. Burning sage is most effective.
 After you have cleansed yourself and your environment. We can start with the cord-cutting.
We are going to write a letter to the other person you are releasing, everything that you have been wanting to say. Don’t hold back. Share all your frustrations and your desires. After you are done you may choose to burn the writing as a symbol of release.
Next, we are going to meditate. So find yourself in a quiet and comfortable location. You can either sit cross-legged or flat on your back or whatever is comfortable and meditate for about 20 minutes. If 20 minutes is too long shorten the time.  If your mind wanders, gently but firmly bring it back. If you do not know how to meditate just sit quietly in your mind.
 Once you are calm, you can begin cutting cords visually. In your mind’s eye, visualize the individual you wish to cut a cord with and scissors so that you can cut the cord. See the energetic cord that connects you with the other. Feel the energy that is draining from you. Now, with intention, visualize yourself cutting the cord between you with the scissors and witness as the energetic cord recoils back into both you and the other person. Take a moment to feel the experience of the recovered energy and thank the other person for the role that they have/do play in your life.
You may choose to speak a blessing after or an affirmation of gratitude. Then sit in the quiet for a few minutes and feel the energy that has been reclaimed and imagine yourself now being surrounded by a blanket of energetic protection. 
And there you go as simple as that! You can do this practice on anyone who is draining you in your life.

